Toxins accumulate in the body over time as a result of pollution in the air we breathe, pollutants in the food and water we consume, and other factors. The body periodically attempts to eliminate these poisons by expelling them from the tissues. Toxins enter the bloodstream, causing the body to go through a "low" or "down" cycle. You might experience headaches, constipation, or sadness during such a period.
Fasting is not only an effective way to help the body detox, but it is also safe and can help minimize symptoms and shorten the duration of a low cycle. In fact, fasting is recommended for any illness because it gives the body time to rest and recover. Acute conditions like colon disorders, allergies, and respiratory diseases are most responsive to fasting while chronic degenerative diseases are least responsive.
Fasting allows the body to rid itself of poisons and heal, while relieving the digestion process. Fasting is beneficial not just in illness or during the body's low phases. By fasting on a daily basis, you rest all of your organs and help reverse the aging process by extending your life span and improving your health.
During a fast, the following happens:
A fast can aid in the healing of your body, as well as purification of your blood and weight loss. Other advantages of fasting include:
It is recommended that you fast at least three days each month and undertake a ten-day fast every year or two. Fasting is for healthy adults; those with chronic diseases should first consult their doctor. Children are not equipped to spend so much time without food and should not be subjected to a fast.
Three-day fasts help flush toxins from the body and clear the bloodstream. A five-day cleanse jumpstarts the immune system's healing process. Ten days can prevent many issues before they start, including degenerative diseases that have become common in our polluted environment.
There are certain things you should be aware of before beginning a fast. Most importantly, do not try to survive on water alone as an all-water fast will only serve to release toxins too quickly, which can result in headaches or worse. Instead, follow the live-juice diet outlined below; it both removes toxins and encourages healing by giving the body vital vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. This type of fasting may even lead you to want to maintain a raw vegetable diet once the fast is over due its fresh taste and health benefits
Second, only under the supervision of a qualified health care practitioner should you fast for more than three days. Even short fasting should be administered by a doctor if you have diabetes, hypoglycemia, or another chronic illness. Women who are pregnant or nursing should never restrict their food intake.
Remember, it took years to wear your body down, so don't expect to build it back up overnight. A typical diet might provide you with too much salt, but when you fast, your body gets minimal salt (sodium), which is a necessary nutrient. If at any point during the fast you feel lightheaded or dizzy, be sure to include some broth in your diet. And finally, whenever you start to feel unwell throughout this process, simply fasting will help improve how you're feeling.
To prepare for the fast, eat only raw vegetables and fruits for two days. This will make the fast less of a shock to the system. While on the fast, consume at least ten 8-ounce glasses of steam-distilled water daily, pure juices and up to 2 cups of herbal tea daily. Dilute all juices with the water, adding about 1 part water to 3 parts juice.
Do not drink orange or tomato juice; avoid all juices made with sweeteners or other additives. The best juice to use during your fast is fresh lemon juice made by adding the juice of one lemon to a cup of warm water. Fresh apple, beet, cabbage, carrot, celery, and grape juices are also good, as are "green drinks," which are made from green leafy vegetables. These green drinks are excellent detoxifiers. Raw cabbage juice is particularly good for ulcers, cancer, and all colon problems. Just be sure to drink the cabbage juice as soon as it is prepared. As this juice sits, it loses its vitamin content. As a general rule, you should not combine fruit and vegetable juices. Apples are the only fruit that should be added to vegetable juices.
Follow the juice-water-and-tea fast with a two-day diet of raw fruits and vegetables. Because the stomach size and the amount of secreted digestive juices may decrease during fasting, the first meals after a fast should be frequent and small. The desired effects of the fast can be ruined by eating cooked foods immediately afterward.
Herbal teas may be consumed throughout the fast, once or twice daily, or more if you wish. Try the following:
Fasting is one of the most effective methods for cleansing and detoxifying the body. It aids in the removal of pollutants and impurities from the body, as well as improving digestion and healing. When fasting, make sure you drink lots of water, get enough rest, and avoid any intense activity.
Source: Balch, Phyllis A. “Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition.” A Practical a-To-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Food Supplements, Penguin Books, 2010.